
Pet Feeding

Learn things like how much to feed, what type of food to feed and what time of day to feed, Diet not given properly might result in behavioral changes and may even result in nutritional deficiency diseases in your Pets. A balanced diet will ensure optimum health for your pet.

Protect Your Family & Pet

Learn how to maintain Pet hygiene to avoid infections and keeping the family members protected from the animal furs, mites, etc. Learn how to protect your pets from contracting diseases from other sources. All the commonly asked questions answered.

Pet Vaccination

Learn how to prevent your Pets from getting Bacterial, Viral, Parasitic, and Fungal diseases by following the right scheduling of vaccination, deworming, and other such tips. Learn the benefits of different vaccines and other similar queries.

Pet Exercise

Learn how much exercise is really needed and What all exercises your pet should undergo to keep him/her away from obesity and diseases. Exercises help the pet in improving food digestion, muscle & bones strengthening, and improving mental health.

Pet Grooming

Learn how to groom your pet so that she not only looks beautiful but is also in the pink of her health. Grooming ensures that Skin of your pet is can breathe and the level of grease is minimized; breathing Bathing, Brushing, Combing & Nail trimming is important for the health of your Pet.

Pet Boarding & Housing Needs

Going out and worried about what kind of boarding facility you should drop your pet at? Or want to learn about the kind of shelter you should provide for your pet in terms of Space, Ventilation, Food, etc we have covered all such important topics.

Our Faculty


    • No Prior Knowledge Needed.
    • Smartphone or Desktop with optimum Internet speed.

Course Calendar

Course Date Event Time Mode Register Fees
08-08-2020 To 09-08-2020 9-11am


Book Now INR 499
15-08-2020 To 16-08-2020 11.30am-1.30pm


Book Now INR 499